Week 2: Fundamentals Part II
Welcome to week 2 of the course!
Welcome back to the course, I hope you found the first week interesting and are excited for this weeks content. I was pleased to see that many of you had completed the first weeks coding challenges, my solutions to the coding challenge for week 1 can be found here.
In this weeks content we will be covering some basic data structures, the if statement
, for loops
and while loops
. These are all very
import concepts for programming and will come in useful for building the game pong in weeks 4 to 6. Below is a recorded lesson where we cover these concepts, the typeset notes and also
a coding challenge for you to have a go at.
Week 2: Lecture
You can download this weeks notes using the buttom below.
Week 2 : Course NotesCoding Challenge
Week 2 : Coding ChallengeDon't forget, the Facebook group is alway avalible for you to ask questions about the course or the coding challenges and also as a forum for you to meet fellow coursemates.